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Willy Verginer: Esculturas de madera simulan la resina y la piedra

By 27 de abril de 2016No Comments


A través de su trabajo escultórico ha creado un estilo distintivo dentro del arte figurativo. Los colores parecen darle vida a un cuerpo momificado, a una estatua. De ellos nace el color, la vida. A través de un esculpido trabajo de horas de dedicación, emergen personajes de rostros melancólicos, que parecen volver a ver la luz, en la medida en que el color les invade, les inunda.

Son a veces humanos y otras animales, parecen esculturas hechas de resina o piedra, pero no lo son. Están talladas en madera a escala natural, su efecto y la técnica que el artista consigue es definitivamente asombrosa. La técnica vuelve sus esculturas verdaderas simulaciones de esculturas que datan del clasicismo, intervenidas por la contemporaneidad, pero no son más que la última.  Entonces cuando te acercas se ven los detalles: pliegues, gestos y arrugas, pero tallados.

©Willy Verginer

©Willy Verginer

©Willy Verginer

©Willy Verginer

{:}{:en}With his sculpture work, he has created a distinctive style in the figurative art. Colors seem give life to a modify body, a statue. From them born color, life. Through a sculpt work of hours of dedication, in there emerge characters of sad faces, that seem return to see light in the measure in which color invade and inundate them.

There are sometimes human beings and in other animals, they look like sculptures made of resin or stone, but they are not. They are cutting on wood in a full-scale reproduction, its effect and technique that artist achieves is amazing. Technique makes his sculptures real simulations of sculptures that date from classicism, intervened for contemporaneity, but they are not more than the last one. Then when you approach, it is possible to see the details: crease, expression and wrinkles, but there are cut.{:}