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Petra Eiko

By 4 de September de 2024No Comments

Title: Daughter of Zeus – Aglaia
Year: 2024
Technique: Object printed on plexiglass
Size: 153 x 23 cm in diameter
Edition: 1/3

Germany, 1955. Artist and writer. She has participated in solo exhibits sponsored by the art and culture organization, Building Bridges Art Exchange; as well as in the Los Angeles Convention Center, and the Katara Culture Center in Qatar. Her work has been exhibited in California, Germany, Cuba, Japan and Korea.

In 2009, she designed the Green Heart project to promote tolerance and participation in public art through interactive activities.

Petra Eiko has developed a series of artwork that addresses both current collective ecological-political issues and the personal existential dilemmas faced by humanity from the aftermath of World War II (in Germany, her country of birth) to the present post-pandemic era.

In Daughter of Zeus – Aglaia, as well as other artwork in her portfolio, environmental issues take the center stage through an installation made up of six upright aluminum tubes incrusted with plexiglass semi-spheres containing intervened photographs. Each tube aims to make us ponder the natural movement of water and manipulation of its course by means of the piping that can divert natural water flows and, thus, cause worldwide droughts.