Vincent Van Gogh llega al cine animado

The film was originally recorded with actors and later each photogram was hand painted with oils, a technique that had never been done before in the history of cinema. It was written and directed by Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman and it premiered on July 16th.

Kobiela, who has devoted the last seven years of her career to “Loving Vincent”, said: “Vincent Van Gogh is probably the only painter who covered such a myriad of personal subjects: his room, his favorite bar, his mailman… In fact, if you place the paintings in a row, they almost make up the script’s draft.”

The story is based on 800 of Van Gogh’s letters, which reflect the stormy life of the artist and that have served as a guide to develop the script. He led a life where no one acknowledged his work, full of artistic rejections, unrequited loves and economic hardships that forced him to live on the verge of misery for a significant part of his life.

Though the first trailer was published in 2016, the full production took over a year to prepare and 100 painters who worked imitating 120 of Van Gogh’s paintings in perpetual motion to create an expressionist reality that had never been seen.



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