Son artículos cotidianos. Estudiados largamente por sus cualidades y composiciones, como ganando cualidades y adquiriendo en la mente de una persona un carácter que les vuelve parte de un todo que les trasciende y envuelve dentro de un todo. Así pasan de ser simples, triviales y comunes a componer grandes instalaciones, esculturas llenas de significado, irruptoras, obras de arte.
Tara Donovan consigue el arte a partir de un impensado adhesivo, acrílico, láminas de poliéster, carta, metal, madera, botones, lápices y los transforma en submundos.
{:}{:en}There are daily-use objects. They had been studied widely for their qualities and compositions, as if they were gaining qualities, acquiring a character in mind’s people and turning part of a whole that emerge and cover everything. It’s a change from normal, trivial and simple things to big systems, sculpts charged of meaning. These are artworks.
The artist Tara Donovan reaches this kind of art from strange adhesive, acrylic, polyester plates, metal, wood, buttons, and pencils. She changes these materials and transforms it in an underworld.{:}