Title: The Last Supper Leonardo
Year: 2024
Technique: Installation
Size: Variable
Spain, 1952. He studied Design at the Llotja School and the Visual Arts Center of the Massana School in Barcelona.
He has participated in several biennials in Havana, Venice and Cairo. He has held exhibitions in Europe, the United States, Latin America, Canada and Japan. His work is part of several public collections and museums, such as the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Barcelona, the Wifredo Lam Center for Contemporary Art, Havana, the Marugame Hirai Museum for Contemporary Spanish Art in Japan, the Museum of Contemporary Art and Design in Costa Rica, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Caracas, among others.
He received the Young Masters Art Prize for a piece that was exhibited in the Courtauld Institute of Art.
In La Santa Cena Leonardo (“The Holy Supper”), Barba brings together several religious and spiritual leaders like John Paul II, and the Dalai Lama, among others, diverse to emphasize the importance of unity amidst theological differences.
Through provocative imagery and a modern twist on classic art, he challenges conventional perceptions and highlights social issues. By exploring the true essence of religion as a unifying force, he advocates for mutual understanding and harmony among people.