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Juvenal Barría

By 4 de September de 2024No Comments

Title: Altered Memory
Year: 2022
Technique: Experimental film, 5-episode videoperformance
Size: Variable
Duration: 41:30 min
Edition: 1/3 + 2 PA

Chile, 1979. Non-binary visual artist, photographer, and art manager, with a Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from the University of Playa Ancha.

Their work has been exhibited in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Brazil, among others. Their notable samples include a solo exhibition at CENTEX, Valparaíso, and at Matucana 100, Santiago, Chile. They have participated in several international artist-in-residence and art fairs.

They received the award for Best Exhibition granted by the Weekend Gallery in Santiago, Chile, for their sample InfiltradaX, exhibited at the Isabel Croxatto Gallery.

Altered Memory: Autoethnographic Explorations is a project involving the creation, production and exhibition of a series of multidisciplinary artwork featuring installation, object art, and video performance. This audiovisual story encompasses five episodes narrated in recorded videoperformances, which, in turn, interact with the object installations created for each episode. Sound and visuals are fundamental elements in the audience’s experience of this autoethnographic exploration.

The concept of ‘autoethnography’ suggests a methodology to explore the artist’s biographical, cultural, and geographic background within the Chiloé archipelago, Juvenal’s birthplace.

The island is home to a myriad of mythological beliefs and an environment abundant in endemic species, but also to a long-standing history of colonization and resource exploitation, namely the timber industry in the past and marine exploitation at present. This is also linked to the inhabitants’ collective history and the development of an identity that combines the way of life and the beliefs of indigenous peoples, along with the resistance and decolonization strategies that have been addressed in recent decades.