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Ángel Delgado – Flush the toilet

By 4 de September de 2024September 6th, 2024No Comments


Title: Flush the Toilet IV
Year: 2018
Technique: Wax pencil on wooden toilet lids
Size: 43.2 x 35.6 x 5.1 cm

Title: Flush the Toilet VI
Year: 2018
Technique: Wax pencil on wooden toilet lids
Size: 43.2 x 35.6 x 5.1 cm

Cuba, 1965. He studied at the Elementary School of Visual Arts in Havana. Graduated from the San Alejandro National School of Fine Arts, and pursued studies at the Superior Institute of Art in Havana until 1986.

In 1990, the performance entitled La esperanza es lo último que se está perdiendo (“Hope is the last thing ever lost”) landed him in prison for 6 months, which shaped his artwork.

He has participated in solo and group exhibitions in Cuba, the United States, Belgium, Mexico, Argentina, Turkey, Germany, Colombia, and Spain, among others.

His work is part of important public and private collections including the Prins Claus Fonds, Farber Collection, EFC Holdings, Fine Arts Conservation, the Museum of Latin American Art in California, Rubin Collection, Fountainhead Collection, and Jorge M. Pérez Collection, etc.

Ángel Delgado seeks to transform everyday objects into art and give them new meaning. In the series titled Flush the Toilet, he works on toilet lids and news headlines published on newspapers or the Internet. Technically, all contents of the news disappear, even all references to the image. The news is reduced to their essence, removing the surroundings, places, cultures, striping from it meaning and/or adding others.

In this series, the narrative in the press or news overall becomes “abstract” and ideological and social discourse is trivialized; people in the articles, who once made the headlines, become anonymous and incognito.